The MICROLUDES for Organ are NOW AVAILABLE! The first three volumes of highly useful and delightfully musical Microludes for Organ are now available for immediate download as PDF files from MusicSpoke at the link below. All three volumes have been well reviewed in The American Organist so you can order […]

Despite getting the name slightly garbled (the piece is called The Promises of Isaiah the Prophet not “The Settings…”) reviewer Brian Morton, writing for British publication Choir & Organ, refers to my piece as “a bit of a revelation” and correctly notes that the Thomas Tallis work which precedes it […]

The Promises of Isaiah the Prophet for TTBB a cappella chorus by American composer Daniel E. Gawthrop is prominently featured on a new CD from the Renaissance Men called “RenMen Laments.” Gawthrop served for several years as Composer-in-Residence to this professional men’s vocal ensemble, based in Boston, Massachusetts. […]

New Choral Titles for Christmas (new organ music listed below) Hope of Israel (soloists, chorus & orchestra) This 48-minute cantata for Advent or Christmas features soprano and baritone soloists, SATB chorus and a small orchestra. Check it out What Wondrous Light (SATB chorus […]

New Advent/Christmas Cantata Now Available A high point for me in a lifetime of making music! –John Yarrington The recently premiered Advent/Christmas cantata Hope of Israel by Daniel E. Gawthrop is now available. Scored for soprano and baritone soloists, mixed choir and orchestra, the work is approximately […]

Frank Thomas, Jr., a parishoner at All Saints’ Episcopal Church in downtown Atlanta, generously funded the commissioning of a festive Easter anthem for the church this year. Daniel E. Gawthrop’s This Joyous Day for chorus, organ, brass and percussion will receive its world premiere performance at All Saints’ on Easter […]

The annual Holidays at Hendricks concert, presented at Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel by a collaborative group of performing ensembles, is a sold-out affair every year. This past December’s presentation followed the tradition of including new music by commissioning well known composer Daniel E. Gawthrop to write an anthem which […]

Alert observers will have noticed that the covers of Dunstan House choral titles have acquired a new look. This is not simply a matter of sprucing up the packaging—the interior pages are also being improved in significant ways. We have engaged the professional services of award-winning music editor David Murray […]

Schola Cantorum of Waynesboro, Virginia is a community chorus of about 55 singers located in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. With an upcoming twentieth anniversary to celebrate, the group asked their conductor, Dr. Jesse Hopkins, to suggest a composer to write a commissioned work for them. Hopkins turned immediately to a […]